Celostne logistične
Poenostavljene dostave
- Cestni prevozi – FTL / LTL / D2D
- Ladijski prevozi – FCL / LCL / Charter
- Letalski prevozi – Express / Charter
- Železniški prevozi – D2D / Charter
- Prevoz posebnega tovora
- Dobava v hladni verigi
- Prilagajanje načina dostave
- Kombiniranje več vrst prevoza
- Iskanje novih dostavnih poti
Naše stranke so naša največja prioriteta.
Profesionalni, natančni, izkušeni
Strokovnost, predanost, izkušenost.
Obsežno strokovno znanje za visokokakovostne logistične storitve.
Spremembe so v logistiki edina stalnica. Naše stranke cenijo našo prilagodljivost, znanje in sposobnost osredotočanja na bistvo problema. S svojo radovednostjo, agilnostjo in željo po učenju, sprejemamo izzive in oblikujemo edinstvene in celovite rešitve za vaše podjetje.
Naj izzivi postanejo prednost.
Kaj menijo o nas naše stranke…
Working with Gemini is an assurance for quality services. We value their expertise and quick reaction times and can honestly confirm, that we made the right choice when making them our partner. In one word – PERFECT!
When working with Gemini we value most that all procedures run without delays. We deeply value the company’s enthusiasm and speed. We are highly satisfied with our cooperation with Gemini, as it is simple, efficient and transparent.
We value Gemini’s flexibility, expertise and complaisance along with a quick reaction time with accurate information. We would be pleased if the company could handle our Fito and veterinary inspections as well. Our decision to work with Gemini turned out to be absolutely correct. They are a correct and highly professional company.
We value the core virtues of Gemini: reliability, speed of operation, accuracy, flexibility, their ability to predict the flow of customs procedures and overall high quality services. Our long term cooperation is proof that Gemini was the correct choice of partner in all our customs procedures. We also value their understanding of our needs and views. Gemini employees know how to create a value added service.