Renewable energy in logistics refers to the use of green energy, or even better, clean, and sustainable energy sources, to power logistics operations. Solar, wind, and hydropower, as well as other forms of renewable energy, are used to power warehouse processes and machinery, transportation vehicles, external manipulation machinery, and other logistics infrastructure.


One of the main advantages of using renewable energy in logistics is the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants associated with traditional fossil fuels, which is the primary target within the global goal to reduce fossil imprints and support the renewal process of nature. The side effect that is more oriented towards business goals is the reduction of operating costs, which can allow companies to have more capital for investments into the further development of technologies and solutions, including renewable energy.

Currently, companies are using different ways to incorporate renewable energy into their logistics operations. For example, they are installing solar panels on the rooftops of warehouses for solar electricity generation and charging the batteries of forklifts and other robotized machinery in the warehouse process. Many of them are also combining it with wind turbine-produced energy.

The other part of the logistics field closely connected to the use of renewable energy is electric vehicles, which are widely associated with the idea of green logistics and the future of logistics. Despite the fact that the EU and other countries around the world are heavily investing in the development of new technologies and providing hard support such as charging stations and better wired solutions, the demand for logistics is still exciting given the possibilities provided by electric vehicles.


Companies are currently highly focused on the development of technologies and solutions that optimize ongoing logistics processes and electricity flow and so are we. Smart grid technologies, for example, are seeking to optimize processes involving customs and new routes for established and ongoing ways for traditional trade.

With the global scope and focus of reducing the imprints of traditional solutions, logistics companies that are willing to be flexible and innovative in the sector of renewable energy are able to be recognized and have the opportunity to improve and develop even further. This is also the scope and focus of Gemini, which is closely monitoring and collaborating with clients and partners in creating new ways and new solutions to make the planet a better place to live and do business.

Foto: Gemini

Author: AKM